Tips to Help Your Child Make Friends at the Day Care Center

Your child’s first few days at school are a memorable part of early childhood and it is important that they enjoy it. Making friends is an important part of their day care experience as these interactions will help them develop socially and emotionally. They learn to be sensitive to others, learn to share with others and learn age-appropriate behavior.

Tips to Help Your Child Make Friends at the Day Care

Sending off a child to day care is a very exciting time for parents but it can also be quite nerve-wracking. Parents have to send their kids out on their own and are filled with doubts as to whether they will be able to make friends and form connections that will make their day care experience more enjoyable. But, do you know that there are certain things that parents can do to ensure that their children make friends at the day care center? 

Let’s take a look at how you can help your child.

  • Arrange a Play date – Play dates can help a kid get used to interacting with other children. You can start by inviting a couple of kids to your house, preferably kids your child already knows.
  • Consider Getting a Pet - If your child clings to you and refuses to leave your side, a pet is a great idea. It is a non-threatening social interaction that most kids enjoy. It also gives your child something to talk about with other kids.
  • Set an Example - Watching movies or reading books on how characters they love made new friends can encourage your child to try it too. Fix a double playdate with a friend of yours who has children.
  • Get Help if You Sense a Real Problem - Usually, shyness or difficulty making friends in early childhood is normal. But if by age 3, your child is unusually withdrawn and is still very clingy, it doesn’t hurt to consult with a doctor. 

In most case, children will make friends quite easily in a day care center, though a little nudge never hurts.


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