Is It Safe to Send My Child to Child Care?

As countries ease restrictions and schools open up, the question uppermost on the minds of parents is whether it is safe to send their little ones back to school. The answer depends on where you live, the needs and work circumstances of your family and most of all, the steps that your child care provider has taken to keep their premises as safe as possible.

There are some basic and necessary steps that you will have to take before deciding on whether it is safe to send your child to school or care centers.

Is It Safe to Send My Child to Child Care?

Consult a Pediatrician

Your pediatrician will be able to advice you on whether it is safe to send your child to a care provider. He/she will come to a decision based on the child’s medical history, immunizations, illnesses, etc.

Consult Your General Physician

If you have an elderly family member or a family member with a chronic illness or disability, it is better to talk to your general physician about the impact of the child returning to school. Your doctor will able to advise you on ways to ensure the safety of the patient and will help you decide on whether it is a safe decision to send your child to day care.

Consult Your Child Care Provider on the Following Points

Sanitization and Screening

Every state has its own SOPs regarding safety in educational institutions. This will include cleaning and disinfecting procedures, thermal screening of children and staff, testing and isolation protocols, etc.


Check with the provider on what their current personal contact policies are, how social distancing will be enforced in classrooms and play areas, how much outdoor time your child will get, the safety measures for meal times, etc.

You will need to make sure that there is a proper balance between the needs of your child and the needs of your family and then make the best decision for your entire family.


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