Tips for a Stress-Free Return to Day Care

As lock downs ease and schools get ready to open up, children may find going back to school after this lengthy break a bit daunting. Though it will be a relief to get back to some state of normalcy, it will take some getting used to. Here are a few easy things to make the process less stressful for the family.

Day Care

Go Back to Old Routines

During the break, routines would have changed to accommodate work from home situations. Children may have gotten used to sleeping and waking up later than usual. Meal timings may have changed to suit work timings. It is important to get back to a regular school day routine.

Visit the School

Take the child for a school visit, even if the school is still closed. The familiar drive and seeing the school will get her excited to go back to school. If you are permitted and if it has been sanitized, you could take her for a walk through the playground and maybe even take a peek at her classroom.

Let the Child Interact with Friends and Teachers

You can schedule online calls with classmates, other parents, care providers, etc. to talk about school and related topics. Seeing familiar faces online will be exciting and would make your child want to get back to school again. 

Read More: Why Day Care is Good for Your Children

Make It Magical

You should plan the first day of school with a lot of fanfare. Talk to your child about how to make it special. Your child could decide what she would like to wear or take with her for the special day.

Listen to the Child’s Fears

After months of hearing about the mystery illness that is keeping them indoors, it is natural for children to be anxious about setting foot outside again. Don’t ridicule or minimize their fears. Talk to them about it and listen to what they have to say.

With love and support, your children will be able to go back to daycare without being scared or stressed out.


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