Home Schooling – Do’s and Don’ts

With schools closed globally due to the pandemic, parents are finding it increasingly difficult to home school their children. Here are some tips on how to make your home environment an effective learning environment for your child.

Home Schooling – Do’s and Don’ts

Set a Routine

All families follow a daily routine on a normal working day and that must be adhered to as much as possible. This includes waking up early, getting ready on time and following the usual schedule.

Do not – follow the schedule on one day and fail to do so the next day. Inconsistency should be avoided.

Create a School Environment

Even the smallest space can be divided into work space and entertainment space. A dining table can become a school space with all the necessary paraphernalia arranged in an orderly way.

Do not – allow your children to lie on the bed or on the ground while doing school work. Make sure that the television is turned off.

Have Timed Meals

Breaks for meals should happen as per a normal school day and children should help by putting away their work and setting up their space for the appropriate meal. Parents can even pack lunches in the morning as they normally would.

Do not – allow your children to eat junk food or to eat at whatever time they fancy.

Slot in a Recess Time

Breaks are necessary at home as much as they are needed at school. Let children play in an outside area if possible, even if it is a backyard or a terrace. But, if this is not possible, indoor activities are fun too.

Do not – use television or video games as indoor activities.

Children mimic their elders and if their elders are consistent and stick to their schedule, the children will follow suit. Once a routine gets set, you will find it much easier to do your own work and stick to a life that is as normal as possible.


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