Keep Your Child Engaged at Home with These Fun Activities

Your children are the best things that could have happened to you. You love them dearly. But, after two weeks of isolation with them, things can get less rosy. Stress levels run high and you are probably desperately looking for new ways to keep them busy. Here are a few to help you through the next few weeks.

Keep Your Child Engaged at Home with These Fun Activities

The Activity Trail

This is an easy to set up activity which can be redesigned quickly to engage your child’s interest. Cut out shapes like hand outlines, feet outlines, flowers, logs, stars and other shapes out of plain paper. Set a trail along the least used areas of your house. At intervals, set up individual cartons, each holding an activity. The activities could include puzzles, blocks, colouring, craft, etc. The items needed for that activity should be placed in the carton. The activities in the cartons can be changed every day to make it exciting and surprising for the kids. This could keep a child engaged for a couple of hours a day.

Treasure Hunt

Every morning, hide objects all over the house, inside as well as outside. Avoid hiding it in rooms that you don’t want messed up or use just one room or if possible, you can have this game set up outside. Make a list of the hidden things and give it to your kids along with bags to fill them in. To avoid fights, you can have coloured items and each child can find items of one color.

Make Something for the Neighbourhood

It can be cookies or a posy of flowers or just a handmade card with an encouraging message. You can leave it out on a table for neighbours to pick up when they pass. It helps the children feel like they are part of something bigger and helps them learn about kindness and generosity.

In these stressful times, it is important to take comfort in one another, and in family and community. Remember, you may be isolated at home, but you are not alone. Stay home and stay safe!


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