A Daycare Packing List for Toddlers

The dilemma over the kind of food to be packed for children to take to daycare is one of the biggest problems faced by parents. Once that is resolved, there are still other issues to be tackled. Among the most important and complicated ones is what are the other items to be packed for daycare.Imagine a scenario where you are late for  work and to make matters worse, your child’s daycare bag is empty. This is not only incredibly frustrating,it also means packing in a rush and probably being late for daycare and then for work. As everyone knows, packing anything in a frantic hurry only leads to mistakes being made and vital items being left out.The best way to avoid this kind of hassle is to have a daycare packing list placed in a prominent location like your refrigerator door which will remind you of all the essential things to be packed.

What Should Be Packed
  • Extra clothes–Falls, spills, “accidents” and all other possible scenarios that could happen to toddlers will happen at daycare. Most of these will require a change of clothes.  Pack more than what you think will be needed and keep reducing it over time until you have the right amount to put on your packing list. A separate small dirty clothes bag to go inside the main one may be a good idea.
  • Diapers – The diaper pack should have the child’s name on it so that it doesn’t get mixed up with another child’s. Find out the daycare’s policy about the disposal of dirty diapers.
  • Diaper cream is very important. If it is not in the bag, the daycare may have to use another brand and that may not suit the child’s skin.
  • Daycares normally provide wipes but it is worthwhile checking with yours. Additionally, if the child has sensitive skin, it will be best to send your own wipes – the ones that your child’s skin is used to.
  • A towel is essential. You never know how dirty a child can get or how bad a diaper incident may be. Remember that towels are a great channel for transferring germs so even if the daycare has its own, it is best to send one for your child.
  • A few wash cloths to wipe the child’s face and mouth after eating are essential.
  • Utensils – Send a set for each meal so that you are sure that she has a clean set each time she eats.
  • Bottles – Some daycares have a freezer where milk bottles are stored. Others do not and may require parents to 
Every Child and Daycare Are Different

This list is a general one. If there is something more that your child needs to carry with her so that she feels safe and comfortable, add it to the list. Also, keep in mind that daycares often have strict rules about what children can carry with them. Check with your daycare about this. If the daycare does not allow you to send something you think is important, try to work out a compromise with them. If that does not work and you are not happy with the daycare, it will be best to find another one. The right way to do this is to use an online resource to find daycares in your area and obtain their contact information. You can then contact the individual daycares to find one that works for both you and your toddler.


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