Help Your Child Nap in Daycare

When a child first starts daycare, it is a major upheaval in her life and consequentially, in the lives of her parents. The sooner she settles down and adapts to the new routine, the better for everyone. People assume that getting used to daycare involves only adapting to the new environment, interacting with new adults, socializing with a large number of other children and so on. While all these are of course huge factors in determining how fast she settles down, what is often overlooked is the disruption in the child’s sleep cycle and the way it will affect her. Every parent knows what it is like to deal with a cranky child who has missed her nap. Transfer that crankiness to daycare and the difficulty in napping in a new place and adapting to the new environment is only going to get a lot harder.

However, there are ways to get your child ready for napping at daycare. A few simple actions can help make the transition from the home nap to the daycare nap a far easier experience for the toddler.

What You Can Do

• Make some visits, along with your child, to the chosen daycare before she starts going there regularly. Spending time with your child at the daycare will help her get used to the new surroundings. Do this at the normal nap time so that feeling sleepy in the new place becomes a familiar sensation.

•  Ask the daycare to keep a few familiar sleep aids that your child is used to. These could be anything, like a special blanket, a stuffed animal, a toy or anything else that the child is used to sleeping with. Having these available in the daycare will make sleeping there much easier.

• If your child is used to an ultra-quiet sleep environment at home, start introducing some gentle sounds during nap time so that she gets used to it. Daycares may have dark and quiet nap rooms, but because of the presence of other children, they are never going to be as noise-free as the sleeping area at home.

• Accept the fact that your child’s sleep habits may change. You may have avoided patting or rocking your child to sleep because you dint want her to make a habit of it. A daycare, with so many children to care for, may have to use these methods to get them to nap. It is not a big issue. Children quickly learn that daycare and home rules are different and soon accept both as normal.

• And finally, do not fret – children are far more adaptable and resilient than parents realize. Your child will get used to the daycare routine soon enough, so do not let her sense your concern which will only make her uneasy.

Daycares can differ widely in terms of not just size, facilities, and services, but also in terms of the atmosphere they create. A daycare where your child is comfortable and feels secure is the one where she will be happy with minimal disruption to her life. If you are looking for a daycare for your toddler or are unhappy with where she currently is, use an online resource to find a daycare that is suitable for your child. A web portal that understands what parents need when it comes to daycare will be able to provide you with the resources you require to find a daycare that is right for you and your child.


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