Educational and Fun Activities: Tips for Your Kids and Childcare Providers

Good childcare providers do more than just watch the children and show up on-time. They take out time to play games and prepare meals that will be fun for all ages. In case your sitter doesn’t play with your child already, provide these educational and fun activities for them to do with your kids when you are away. It will get them thinking, moving, and having fun!

1. Scrabble: This board game is a fun way to help your children learn new words and increase their vocabulary and expand their knowledge. The provider can add extra value to the game by asking the little ones to define the word.

2. Monopoly: This is a great game for your younger children, which teaches them about the value of money. The game can also be used to enhance a child’s math skills. The sitter can make them deal out money while practicing basic math skills such as subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

3. Chess: This game is best for your children aged 10 and above. It helps them learn skills related to strategy and problem solving.

5. Chutes and Ladders: Chutes and ladders is a popular game among people of all ages. Children learn to make the right choices, while the good ones take them forward and the poor ones keep them behind.

6. Twister: Twister is an excellent fun way to exercise while learning about different colors. However, the sitter can also make it educational by asking questions related to the colors.

7. Flash Cards: Flash cards can be a lot of fun for younger children. Take out the crafting supplies and ask the children to create their own flash cards. The cards can comprise of colors, shapes, math equations, elements, etc. Almost anything can be used to make flash cards.

8. Memory: Memory is another great game for children of all ages. It teaches them how to improve their intellectual skills, in a fun way. Apart from this, it also helps in strengthening the brain. The game can either be played with a deck of ordinary cards or a special deck.

9. Wii: Many homes have game consoles such as the Wii, which offers several educational and fun games. Smarty Pants is basically an age-appropriate action game. Both children and adults are made to answer age-geared questions. There are a range of modes such as team, family, friends, and against the clock. The game contains more than 20,000 questions.

Irrespective of the age, there is a variety of appropriate fun and education games for your children. Whether you choose kickball, hide and seek, or chutes and ladders, games ensure that your kids have fun. By asking your childcare provider to add educational value, you ensure that your children get smarter. After all, these young minds are our future!


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